Baby Guidara

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A new site

For all of you who spend time checking this blog, we are pleased to announce our new web site. You can check in with us at when you so choose to. Thank you for checking up on means so much to us!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Isabella's playdate

Isabella and Avery were both (finally) awake and ready to hang out Saturday night. They enjoyed each other's company!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Isabella's first Passover and Easter

Isabella got to dress up two times this past week! She loves wwearing dresses. She is also playing a lot more, full out laughing, holding her head up, and using her hands! Now that she is three months old (tomorrow), she is able to sit in her Bumbo seat. My how she is growing is going by too quickly!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Look at me!

Isabella is getting so strong and loves to try to lift her head up! Oh, and did we mention that she loves to smile?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Finally...a new blog

Well, I am sorry it took so long but our old computer went out and we finally have a new one where I could download pictures.
Isabella is now 9 weeks old and she has changed a lot! Not only in the way that she looks but her personality has come out a lot! She is so sweet and smiley! She loves to coo and smile and listen to music! We had two parties for her to come out to both sides of the family which was so nice! She is such a joy to be around I am just really enjoying this time with her!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!

Well, Isabella is 1 month now and is really starting to show her personality. She loves to practice smiling, as we were doing this morning. I hope you all enjoy this day!

Monday, February 05, 2007

First Week of Febuary

A lot has been going on! Isabella is growing and starting to show more of a personality. Her belly button is finally dried and she had her first bath! She like it once she got used to it. Also, her first friend was born on the 29th of January. Anna had her baby girl Avery and the two got to meet this past Friday. I think they will get along great and enjoy growing up together seeing as Anna and I have known each other for 15 years and they are only 2 1/2 weeks apart. Cool huh? It should be a fun adventure that we can take together.