Debbie and Mike are awaiting their new arrival!!!Debbie found out she was pregnant right after mother's exciting! She surprised Mike with 1 pink and 1 blue balloon and the positive test results. He was shocked but extremely happy. We are overwhelmed but excited for the next chapter of our lives!!! The baby is due January 22, 2007.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Just starting the 10th week and I am beginning to really feel excited. We are finally really telling everybody. The best so far was Bobie and Seithe. They seemed so happy and truley happy for us. I am feeling better this past week, constipation is not that bad and I feel like I have more energy during the day. My clothes are now getting tight, so I finally went to a maternity store to buy a few things. I was really happy with the bathing suit I found for my upcoming trip. So, things are going well.
July 8, 2006 - So I am starting my fourth month now and we are officially telling everybody. I'm still a bit nervous, but I'm trying to relax and enjoy this pregnancy. I feel better, just a bit tired still and nauseous sometimes. Otherwise, all is good. I'm busy studying and spending time with Mike. Hopefully we can really start planning soon. I don't want to get ahead of myself but I love looking at all the baby sites! How exciting. My belly is starting to grow now. Although, according to the scale I haven't gained any weight, I feel like I have!!!!