Baby Guidara

Thursday, September 21, 2006

3D ultrasound

I have to say, this was one of the best experiences so far! I was a bit freaked out by the fact that we would be able to see so much of what our baby would look like and I thought because the baby is not that pudgy yet, it might look bony and weird. Pleasantly, it didn't. Both sets of parents were able to join us, they had a screen to view the baby, as well as having the picture and movement projected on a large screen. It was amazing. And yes, she is a she...and is she beautiful! Mike says she has my nose:) As the doctor was looking around, the baby moved a lot. The technician was trying to get a great view, so she started poking her and eventually she turned her back to us...She already has an attitude!!! We are so excited to share this with everyone and can't wait to meet her!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My naked belly

In Anna's request, here is my naked belly. It looks a bit dusty from the mirror... do I clean much?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Starting my 22nd week

I know it has been a while since I blogged....I started getting busy with work and all.
I have been feeling really good and I am really beginning to plan now. I have been registering online for things we will need, and I am having fun thinking up the nursery. I really feel like I am getting big, and I know I still have a long way to go!!! Having started work again has been difficult.. I just do not have as much energy as before, I can't wear the shoes I would want, and I get tired quicker. But, this is all worth it! I started to feel real movement and stronger kicks and it just really makes things real.... I just can't wait to meet this baby and hold her.

We have decided to get the 3D ultrasound next week. I am a bit freaked out by it, the way it looks and all, but Anna mentioned it, and then my mom made a point of reminding me that it would be nice to REALLY make sure that she is a she for sure! So, before we really start buying stuff, Mike and I thought it would be a good idea. Plus, you can bring 5 people so both sets of parents have been invited to come. Those will be the next keep in touch!!!