Week 26 - Weekend away at Grand Geneva

Although I do not have a picture of myself in the bridesmaid dress, or with Kim, Mike and I had a great weekend celebrating the wedding of our good friends Kim and Jordy. I have been feeling really good and thought the whole being part of the wedding would be a breeze. Ya, not so easy. Being pregnant definitely means you have less energy. But, I have to say I was trooper. The wedding weekend was a blast and Kim looked so beautiful! The ceremony and the reception was fantastic! I stayed until 12 when my body finally started to shut down. I have to say, it is really hard to listen to your body when you really want to listen to your heart. Kim and the rest of the bridesmaids were on the dance floor having a blast. My head kept saying "get up Debbie," but my body was just too beat. Being up, dressed and ready at 2:30 was harder than I thought.
Overall, the pregnancy is going great though! We are just getting excited and anxious. We finished registering and are looking forward to getting the nursery ready. Mike and his dad will hopefully start working on the closet organizers and painting in the next few weeks. We are going for a shabby chic look, so I am so looking forward to the antique-ish feel. I really think she will love all the work her mommy and daddy are putting into this:)