Baby Guidara

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Isabella by week 3

So, everything has been great and we feel absolutely blessed! My grandmother pierced her ears last week, as she did all the girls in the family, but it was really hard on me. She looks cute though!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Meet Isabella Eliora

I know we will want to make annnoucements, but I gave birth to my daughter yesterday, Thursday the 11th of January. She was a few weeks early and boy did she make her entrance. After 21 hours of labor, I delivered a healthy 6 pounds 12 oz. beautiful girl. We are in complete awe of her. She is quite and sweet and loves to sleep (for now!). So, I just thought I would update the blog and let you all know. Thanks for the thoughts and phone calls! I am going to rest now. I will keep you updated!

Isabella is home!!!!